Thursday, February 9, 2012

DIY: Emergency Wedding Kit

Hi all!

The best thing a bride and her bridesmaids can do for the wedding day is to be prepared for any obstacle that is to come their way. Whether its a migraine, a tear in the veil, or in desperate need of some breath mints before your first dance, something minor is bound to happen. The easiest way to avoid having a panic attack about a small issue is to have an emergency wedding kit on hand. Some places sell these, especially online, but when you see what you really need you will find that you probably have these around your home...
You can ask your maid of honor or even a family member to prep one for you if you don't have time. Make sure they store it somewhere nearby your dinner/dance space(even if its under a table !).

In my experience, the following items are a must have just in case....

-dental floss
-safety pins (sometimes the bustle fails...)
-breath mints or spray
-bobby pins and hairspray
-mini sewing kit
- spot remover such as Tide To Go (check with bridal store if its ok to use on your dress material. if its not safe, get some white chalk to rub over smudges)
- tampons/ sanitary napkins
- tissues and eye drops
and last but not least, a handy dandy granola bar and a bottle of water. You're going to be so stressed and busy you may forget to eat something....and yes I have seen a bride faint! make sure to eat and hydrate.

If you have a small bag on hand to place these items in, you should be prepared for anything to come your way!


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