Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Eye Candy

Hi all!

Had a whirlwind of a weekend after 1 reheasal dinner, three weddings and a fabulous bridal show! Saw plenty of wonderful ideas at the bridal shower especially regarding SUGAR. The different displays of cake were incredible. Therefore, this post will be all about my personal favorite trend: dessert tables! For those of you who know me well know that creating dessert tables is one of my favorite things to do. I had the pleasure of creating a table for 200 guests for my brother's nuptials. I have to give credit to my sisters for helping me with all the baking! Below are some of my creations...

(left) bowls with spray painted
silver truffles, rock candy, macaroons, white chocolate pretzels
(right) mini meringue
the final result. Towers with chocolate covered marshmallows, hundreds of mini cupcakes, mini alfajores, powdered donut holes and custom made M & Ms

Dessert tables are such a fun touch to any event! It can be challenging and a big task to take on, but if you are up for it you can create your own table. If you are trying to save as much time as you can, I recommend doing half candy and half baked goods. The candy you can get online at any wholesale website or any bulk store such as Costco. The easiest way to go about it is to think of your main colors and narrow it down. For example, if your main color is pink, narrow it down to pink gumballs, pink rock candy, pink lollipops, etc. The best tip i could give you is to try and keep it simple..especially with colors. Use unwrapped candy and keep it organized.

And now, a little inspiration from the queen of all dessert tables, Amy Atlas:

ohhh Amy..why are you so good?


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